100th Day of School Freebies

100th Day of School Freebies

The 100th Day of School Freebies is a cause for celebration!  You have watched your students blossom over the last 4 month and it is time to party!  I love making this week/day really special and make sure to have TONS of hands on activities.  This week is a great way to help child feel pride in what they have accomplished, and since play can be limiting, I want them to feel like they are learning through play and play-like activities.

100th Day of School Freebies

Classroom Fun Activities

Below I have shared three fun activities that you can use in your classroom for totally FREE!


100th Day of School Freebies Color

The boys and girls will LOVE this 100th day of school banner.  The can color it bright colors, add 100 dots of white or glitter glue and sprinkle glue all over.  What a beautiful way to celebrate learning!


100th Day of School Freebies Numbers

All kids love to color by skill!  They will love this color by tally marks page!

100th Day of School Freebies Snack Sort

Make snack time a fun time. Find 10 smaller snack items like goldfish, marshmallows and raisins. The boys and girls will get a hands on idea of what 100 snack will look like.

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The freebies above are a part of a bigger 100th Day unit.  It is full of hands on activities like the ones above as well as writing and reflecting activities.

Writing Activities


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