20 Amazing Winter Themed Activities~Hands On Centers for Preschool

20 Amazing Winter Themed Activities~Hands On Centers for Preschool
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
Each of the Preschool Math and Literacy Centers comes with 20 hands-on activities.  Each activity focuses on skills crucial to preschool-aged children (4-6 and mature 3 year-olds).  
Click HERE to Check it out.
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
 Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
 1.  Snowman Button Match
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
2.  Winter Building
 Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
 3. Penguin Roll & Cover
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
4.  Snowflake ABC Match-Up 
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
5.  Snowflake Catch and Count
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
6.  Snowman Roll and Build
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
7.  Snowflake Yarn Wrap
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
8.  Clothesline Patterns
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
9.  Winter Tracing Mini
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
10.  Winter Seek-n-Count
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
11. Steamin’ Hot Cocoa Craft
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
12. Winter ABC Searc
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
13. Snowman Shapes
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
14.  Mitten Number Sense
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
15.  Counting Snow Bucks
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
16.  Penguin Color by ABC’s
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
17.  Polar Animal Counting Book
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
18.  Snowman Building Count and Write
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
19.  Winter Themed Shape Seek-n-Find
Are you looking for winter themed activities during the busy winter months?   Then you will love our  on our January Centers for Preschool.  Each activity will keep your kids busy, while building important academic skills. 
20.  Polar Bear Shape Match-Up

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