Are you looking for shape activities for preschool and kindergarten? Then you will love Shape of the Day Calendar Companion! Shape of the Day Calendar Companion was designed to be a part of your daily morning meeting or carpet time for preschool and kindergarten leveled children.
Shape of the day is a great introduction and/or review activity to learn about shapes. As the year progresses the children will learn more about shapes, like the number of sides, corners, shapes in our environment and how to draw shapes.
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Shapes included in this unit: circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle, heart, star, diamond (and rhombus), trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon, octagon.
All of the signs and labels are available in color and black and white. The signs are also available in large and small to fit any area of your room. The shape checklist is the perfect tool to use to observe students shape knowledge throughout the year. This unit is designed to use several weeks at a time, several times throughout the school year.
Shape of the Day fits nicely with your calendar. Use this product during calendar time and make it a part of your regular day.
I place the Shape of the Day sign at the top and we practice reading it. Then, choose which shape you want the boys and girls to work on. We work on each shape for about a week.
After the boys and girls identify the shape they will search for the shape throughout the seek-n-find. They will use a dry erase marker to circle the shapes.
Attach the dry erase marker to the board using putty.
After the boys and girls find the rectangles they will trace it on the tracing sheet using a dry erase marker. Shape activities for preschool and kindergarten.
After they trace the shape of the day, they will practice drawing the shape. This is a good time to talk about sides, corners and lengths of the shape.
Then, the boys and girls will complete the 2D shape portion. They will search through a variety of objects to find all of the matching environmental shapes. Shape activities for preschool and kindergarten.
Laminate an extra sheet of white paper and staple it to your board. Place putty on the back of the shape cards and the boys and girls will pull the shape of the day objects and place them on the 2D card.
When you feel the kids are ready, they can share more information about shapes. They can explore how many sides and corners each shape has.
Track each child’s progress. This will help you determine which shapes and activities they need to spend more time on.
Assessment tool are included as well. This is a great sheet to share with parents at conference time.
Once a week have the boys and girls follow along using a clipboard.
All of the activities are common core aligned.
Are you looking for new ways to incorporate important concepts into your daily routine? Concepts like shapes, colors, name, letters and numbers? Then, you and your students will love our Skill of the Day Calendar Companion!
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