September Back to School Sight Word Printables, Games and Activities {EDITABLE}


Are you looking for back to school and September themed sight word activities, printables and games that you can change to meet the needs of your kindergarten and/or first grade children? Then, you will love Summer Editable Sight Words Printables, Activities and Games. Type in 20 sight words on one list and they will spread throughout all of the activities. There are a variety of activities that will meet the needs of a variety of students. This unit is perfect for RTI, home school, review, introduction to sight words and skill strengthening in grades kindergarten through first grade, home school and students with special needs. This unit provides many hands-on opportunities.
**Most titles in this unit are also editable
***If the font does not look right-Download and save the document on your desktop and reopen the saved file-the font will be correct.
This unit is a part of a GROWING UNIT-which means the price will grow as each unit is added. To SAVE BIG purchase while it grows! Click {HERE}.
**Check out the BLOG POST!


Are you looking for back to school and September themed sight word activities, printables and games that you can change to meet the needs of your kindergarten and/or first grade children? Then, you will love Summer Editable Sight Words Printables, Activities and Games. Type in 20 sight words on one list and they will spread throughout all of the activities. There are a variety of activities that will meet the needs of a variety of students. This unit is perfect for RTI, home school, review, introduction to sight words and skill strengthening in grades kindergarten through first grade, home school and students with special needs. This unit provides many hands-on opportunities.
**Most titles in this unit are also editable
***If the font does not look right-Download and save the document on your desktop and reopen the saved file-the font will be correct.
This unit is a part of a GROWING UNIT-which means the price will grow as each unit is added. To SAVE BIG purchase while it grows! Click {HERE}.
**Check out the BLOG POST!
The activities are as follows:
Sight Word List (20 words)
Sight Word Checklist Large Group (Editable Names as Well)
Sight Word Checklist (Individual-2 Sizes)
Sight Word Lists (4 Choices with 5 words per page)
Sight Word Search Printables (Buses, Crayons & Apples)
Color by Sight Word Pictures
Sight Word Foldable Books
Sight Word Spin & Write
Sight Word Cut and Paste Backpack
Sight Word Pencil Cards (Hands-on Activities and Printables)
Sight Word Traceable Activities
Sight Word Go Fish
Sight Word Feed
Sight Word Apple Match-Up
Sight Word Apple Race-n-Write
Sight Word Pack-It Card Game
Sight Word Stuffing Matching Activity
Sight Word Pick-Up Game
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September themed sight word activities


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