The week before Christmas I like to do a Christmas tree unit. The boys and girls are already excited about Christmas so I like to tone things down. They love the activities and it is a fun way to review basic concepts like shapes and letters in their name.
To introduce the unit we read, The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever, by Steven Kroll.
Then I like to show the boys and girls a giant tree (around 5 feet). You can use this two different ways.
1. Sometimes I like to write the word Big in the star and as a class we brainstorm all of the different words that mean the same thing and write them in the bulbs (great for kindergarten).
2. In preschool, I like to write “Tree’s Are…” and we brainstorm words that come to mind when we think of Christmas trees.
We use the giant tree for many activities. One of the activities is estimation. The boys and girls take turns guessing how tall the tree is.
The boys and girls love making this giant tree. I cut out a giant tree from a piece of tag board. Then I used green paper roll pieces and trace the tag board. Each child gets a tree. Click on the picture below to find the pieces in our Winter for Preschool unit.
This tree may be a great tree to use in kindergarten. Adding a writing piece always adds to the activity.
This tree is great for preschool and kindergarten. I found this name tree by Miss Kindergarten Love. If you click on the picture below it will take you to her website. This is a great activity for kindergarten or preschool. We count the letters in our name, and compare the lengths on the trees.