Back to School easy prep Printables, Activities and Centers has everything you are looking for to meet the varied levels of students entering kindergarten. Click (here) to check it out! All of the activities are easy to prepare and there are enough activities to fill your math and literacy centers for the month.

You are already working on book handling and parts of a books in your circle time. Letter identification is another important skill students will need before they can read. We work hard in the beginning of the year on individual letters to the alphabet as a whole, mastering uppercase first and then moving to lowercase. Students with strong, low and in between skills will benefit from the variety of alphabet printables.

My favorite math printables are the reproducible books. They are perfect for centers. The boys and girls will not only learn numbers 1-10 and shapes. They will practice writing, drawing and making connections. Great for identification and review!
*****Click {HERE} to check out the unit!*****
This unit will definitely help you feel prepared during a crazy time! Here are some other resources you may like! Click on the pictures below!
Check out the links below for both Printable and Digital Activities:
Kindergarten Digital and Printable Bundle
First Grade Digital and Printable Unit
Seesaw Digital Activities Growing Bundle
Google Digital Activities Growing Bundle
Boom Digital Activities Growing Bundle
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