Back to school time is here! Your room is starting to come together, you feeling the excitement of a new year and you are starting to gather materials for centers, morning work, homework and finish early work.
The boys and girls entering your classroom are coming from all over the developmental spectrum. Some of the children will have had preschool experiences, however many may not. So where do you start with writing?
I never like to assume that all of the boys and girls are able to write. A good place to start is with printables and activities that will help strengthen fine motor and writing skills.
Back to School Cutting and Tracing Activities will help start your kindergarten year and work for your preschool classroom throughout the entire year.
The boys and girls will love the printable above. Not only is it eye catching it is a great place to start. Students learn the top to bottom concept first. First they will use their finger to trace the lines. They will use a marker or pencil to trace the line. The double line is a great guide for new writers.
Love the roads with this printable! If you have little micro machine cars the boys and girls will have a blast tracing these lines. If not have the boys and girls drive the vehicles to the matching building with their finger first and then marker or pencil.
The fall is the perfect time to help these cute worms find the apple! First the boys and girls will trace the lines with their finger. Then the double line will guide their pencil or marker.
The boys and girls will trace the clouds and diagonals. This activity will help the boys and girls prepare to write letters.
Who doesn’t like a birthday? The boys and girls will have a blast “decorating” the cake with zigzag frosting!
Spirals can be tricky. The spirals on this page will help complete the cute little snails.
The boys and girls will love this pumpkin tracing activity. Perfect for any fall thematic unit!
In Tracing Paths children will help the kids by tracing extended lines.
When you feel the children are ready, you can introduce shape, number and letter tracing as well as Big Book of Shapes. Children will work on correct letter formation as well as cutting out all of the basic shapes. Take one day or a week during your shape week to complete this activity.
Make cutting fun with this cute cat spiral tail cutting activity!
Children are proud to come to school! They will love sharing this cute school crown with their families-especially because they cut it out themselves!
Puzzles are great for so many reasons. There are several puzzles included in this unit-that the boys and girls will love coloring this activity as well.
Check out the video:
This unit is sure to be a great addition to your classroom. Click (here) to check out the unit! Did I mention that everything above is ONLY $3.50?
If you like what you see check this product out in a bundle to save! Click (here).