Why Should you use Interactive Sight Word Notebooks?

As a teacher I always felt a little guilty about how much paper I used on any given day.  And now as a parent, I see so many papers coming home and I have a hard time determining what is important and what is “busy work.”
 That is what I love so much about Interactive Sight Word Notebooks.  By the time students have completed the book they will have a fun eye-catching “treasure” that they will be able to enjoy with their families for a long time (which is great for review:)).
(Click any picture below to find the unit)


Anyone who knows me or has purchased my materials know that I am not into repetitive “same-old” materials.  We are in competition with ipads, PX2’s, computer games and television.  I believe if you make, even the most boring and repetitious materials to look and feel more like a game, students will enjoy learning and look forward to the activities.  I really believe that the Interactive Sight Word Notebooks have accomplished this.


A lot of interactive notebooks can be tricky for young learners in kindergarten.  Whenever I used them I ended up doing most of the cutting and it ended up being a lot of extra work for me.
  This unit was created with independence in mind.  Students will be  able to cut and paste all of the materials themselves after an adult demonstrates the first few times.
(each set comes with a pre-primmer list of 10 words)
There are many ways to use an interactive notebook.  Several teachers have told me that they choose several sight words and have the notebook at a students desk when they arrive in the morning.  It takes the boys and girls around 15 minutes per activity.
This would also be useful to use during literacy rounds as word work each day.  There is a huge variety with the unit so students never get bored!
I use small composition notebooks for students (that I stock up on before school starts).  I copy all of the pages on regular paper.
The activity below incorporates rainbow write with the sight word.  I use thin markers or colored pencils.
Students are working to identify the word, but with fun-cute graphics.
Many of the activities can tie into themes that you talk about through the year-and yet do not have to be theme-specific.
Students practice writing and identifying the words in sentences.


When students are first learning new words it is important for them to concentrate on the word and the letter order.


Interactive Sight Word Notebooks
Interactive Sight Word Notebooks
 “Whatever gets them to write.”  I am sure you have heard this before….  I love to use a variety of writing mediums to encourage students to write.  I make sure that it is a different medium every time to keep it fresh.  Throw the old-school thinking that students should always write with pencils out the window.  What does it matter as long as they are writing?
Interactive Sight Word Notebooks

Copyright Kindergarten Rocks


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