Spring Math and Literacy Printables and Worksheets for Pre-K and Kindergarten

If you are like me, you are scrambling to find fun and engaging spring activities that help build skills in the areas of ELA and math.  We are in the home stretch, the last three months of school and we want to keep kids focused and engaged.  This is the time of the year when I bring out the big guns–the most colorful and engaging activities and centers.

One of my favorite activities is Spring Color by Sight Words Pre-Primer, Spring Color by Primer, Spring Color by Sight Words First Grade and Spring Color by ABC’s

Spring Color by Sight Words ELA and Literacy PrintbalesSpring Color by Sight Words ELA and Literacy Printbales
I love giving the boys and girls the opportunity to color.  Coloring is usually a “finish early” activity in kindergarten, so the students are thrilled for the opportunity.  
The boys and girls can use several different mediums of art, like markers, colored pencils, crayons and water colors (use construction paper for painting).  
The Color by Sight Word/ABC’s Printables are great for home school, literacy centers, homework and finish early work.  
If you are looking for fun and engaging printables and worksheets for your preschool that ties into the early learning standards you will love Spring Math and Literacy Printables and Worksheets.  
Spring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschoolSpring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschool

The boys and girls will work on measurement and shapes.

Spring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschoolSpring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschool


Spring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschoolSpring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschool
One-to-one correspondence, counting and number identification to 10.


Spring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschoolSpring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschool
They will work on seasonal themes like weather, and color a flower scene by letters.
Spring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschoolSpring math and literacy printables and worksheets for preschool

They will also work on letter formation, rhyming, syllables, coloring, uppercase and lowercase letters, simple sound activities and fine-motor skills.

If you are looking for more spring activities for preschool and kindergarten you may like:








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