Are you looking for Back to School Printables that students will look forward to while working on important skills? As teachers we are always looking for fun ways to review, assess and introduce new and crucial skills. Color by Code Back to School Printables are the perfect way to help children look closer at important concepts and build fine motor skills at the same time. The worksheets cover skills ranging from shapes, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers 1-10, numbers 11-20, sight words (pre-primer, primer, first grade) and word families. Your students will beg for these printables!
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Color by Shapes

Color by Shapes was created and designed to help students observe, visually discriminated, compare and categorize shapes. When a child is able to recognize and name shapes it strengthens their ability compare and contrast similarities and differences in the world around them. Shape name identification will give children a descriptive set of vocabulary words to help communicate what they observe with adults and children. Shapes are the first symbol students will identify. This will help children identify more complicated symbols like letters and numbers in the future. Click {HERE} to check it out!
Color by Shapes can help students:
- identify shapes
- analyze, compare and contrast similarities and differences in shapes
- visually discriminated between shapes
- identify shapes no matter their size or orientation
Color by Letters

Color by ABC’s was created and designed to help students recognize uppercase and lowercase alphabet letters in a developmentally appropriate way. Letter identification from my experience is an early indicator of reading success in the future. Color by ABC printables focus on 5 letters at a time to help students recognize the differences between letters.
Color by ABC’s can help students build:
- uppercase and lowercase letter recognition
- letter order recognition- which letter comes before and after in the alphabet
- their ability to distinguish between uppercase letters and lowercase letters
Color by Numbers

Color by Numbers 1-10 was created and designed to help students identify the numbers 1-10 and increase their number order recognition skills. Number identification sets the foundation for young children to learn more complicated math concepts. When children are able to easily recognize numbers their confidence will soar encouraging a positive relationship with math. Click {HERE} to check it out.
Color by Numbers 1-10 can help students:
- identify numbers 1-10
- improve their ability to visually discriminate between numbers
- number order recognition- which number comes before and after
- build confidence in math and number concepts
- s

Color by Code Back to School Printables: Numbers 11-20 was created and designed to help students identify the numbers 11-20 and increase their number order recognition skills. Number identification sets the foundation for young children to learn more complicated math concepts. When children are able to easily recognize numbers their confidence will soar encouraging a positive relationship with math. Click {Here} to check it out!
Color by Numbers 11-20 can help students:
- identify numbers 11-20
- improve their ability to visually discriminate between numbers
- number order recognition- which number comes before and after
- build an understanding of place value
Color by Sight Words

Color by Code Back to School: Sight Words was created and designed to help students learn high frequency words in a developmentally appropriate way. Color by Sight Word printables encourage students to not focus solely on memorization, but to also investigate letter sound association, letter patterns and spelling, match single letters and pairs of letters and common spellings for blends and sounds.
Color by Sight Words can help students build:
- decoding skills-which allows students to spend less time decoding and more time on reading comprehension
- quicker word recall to increase reading fluency
- letter to sound association
- a child’s ability to recognize patterns in words
Click {HERE} to check out the Back to School Color by Pre-Primer
Click {HERE} to check out the Back to School Color by Primer
Click {HERE} to check out Back to School Color by First Grade

Color by Back to School Printables: Word Families was created and designed to help students recognize and identify predicable patterns in words. Color by Word Family printables encourages students to find word “chunks” in simple and more complicated words. The ability to identify patterns in words will help students spend less time decoding new words and more time on reading comprehension. Click {HERE} to check it out.
Color by Word Families can help students:
- increase the ability to recognize patterns in words
- build quicker word identification skills to increase reading fluency
- apply word pattern identification skills to longer more challenging words
All of the unit are also included in bundles click on each link to check them out!
Color by Sight Words Pre-Primer
Color by Sight Words First Grade
Color by Uppercase and Lowercase Letters