Alphabet Crafts and Letter Tracing

Hands on Alphabet Crafts and Alphabet book to practice letter identification and reading simple sentences.

Are you looking for fun, interactive back to school alphabet crafts and activities? Then, you will love our Alphabet Crafts Unit.

Hands on Alphabet Crafts and Alphabet book to practice letter identification and reading simple sentences.

The unit includes 31 crafts and “My Alphabet Craft Book”  to keep the crafts safe.  This is a great activity to share with families to show progress.



Hands on Alphabet Crafts and Alphabet book to practice letter identification and reading simple sentences.

the Hands on Alphabet Crafts and Alphabet book to practice letter identification and reading simple sentences.

Hands on Alphabet Crafts and Alphabet book to practice letter identification and reading simple sentences. Hands on Alphabet Crafts and Alphabet book to practice letter identification and reading simple sentences.


Click {HERE} to check out the bundle with a lot of great hands-on activities and crafts.




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