December Activities for Christmas

Are you looking for Christmas themed activities for your preschool classroom in December? Then you will love Preschool December Math and Literacy Centers. These centers…


December Math and Literacy Centers for Kindergarten

Are you looking for Christmas and Gingerbread themed math and literacy centers for your kindergarten classroom for December? They will love December Math and Literacy Centers.…


Hibernation Activities and Crafts

Are you looking for a factual science unit about hibernation and migration that will tie into your next generation life science unit standards?  Our Hibernation,…


Hibernation Centers for Preschool

Are you looking for hibernation math and literacy centers and activities that you can prep quickly for your preschool classroom? Then you will love our…


Turkey and Thanksgiving Hands on Centers

Turkey and Thanksgiving Themed Centers are fun themes and activities for the month of November.  The boys and girls have a little more energy with…


Editable Thanksgiving and Turkey Sight Word Games

Are you looking for turkey and Thanksgiving themed editable sight word activities that you can change to meet the needs of your kindergarten or first…


Turkey and Thankful Lesson Plans and Activities

Are you looking for a fun hands-on turkey and Thanksgiving activities for a preschool themed unit that revolves around amazing stories?  Then, you will love…
