Thanksgiving Activities Color by Skills for Kindergarten and Preschool

Are you looking for fun thanksgiving activities that focus on a variety of skills?  Then, you will Love November Color by Skills Printables for preschool…


Morning Work Collective Notebook for the Year {Kindergarten}

Morning Work for Kindergarten is exactly what you need to help your students transition into morning work. Keep learning meaningful and intent by tracking progress and…


Game Changing Sight Word Activities for Kindergarten ~Interactive Notebooks

Are you looking for sight word activities for kindergarten that the children will be able to take home and share with families?  Interactive Sight Word…


Build Number Sense with Number of the Day Pre-K, Preschool, Kindergarten

Are you looking to help your young learners build number sense in a hands-on fun way?  Then you are looking for Number of the Day…


Back to School Printables Every Kindergartner Will Love

Are you looking for Back to School Printables that students will look forward to while working on important skills?   As teachers we are always looking…


Amazing Alphabet Activities Kindergarten and Preschool Children Will Love

Are you looking for fun hands on alphabet activities that your young learners will love?  Interactive Alphabet Notebook Bundle is exactly what you need to…


Letter of the Day Calendar Companion~Large Group Alphabet Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten

Are you looking for a fun letter activities to use in large group, calendar time or morning meeting to review crucial skills each day?  Then…
